North Farm

North Farm

  • Shad Net House: It is a Structure enclosed by agro nets or any other woven material to allow 50% sunlight to pass through the gaps. Such Micro Climate is suitable young seedlings production, and also useful for hardening the tree saplings.

  • Mist Chamber : The Artificial Maintaining of relative humidity at high level by spraying under pressure, can induces rooting of cutting.

  • Orchard: It is a place, Intentional plantation of fruit trees. That is maintained for food production. Orchard comprising fruit crops like Guava, Jamun, Cahewnut, Sappota, Mango, Pomegranate, Banana, Sweet Orange, Acid lime, Etc.,

  • Herbal Garden: It is often specialized space in a garden, devoted to growing a specific group of plants called herbs or medicinal plants, Such herbs grown randomly for the identification of crop diversity.

  • Kitchen Garden. A demo garden to educate the students to establish their own garden at backyard of their houses especially forvegetable purpose.

North farm Gallery